
Kuratiert von Gill Roberts

The ultimate in back to nature. The trill of birds, the hum of insects, the haunting howl of a wolf.

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Aktuell wiedergegebene
River Song


Ken Davis

David Stewart

Del Richards

Gene Pierson

Peter Samuels

Tim Clément

Mychael Danna


Striated Pardalote, Weebill, Olive-Backed Oriole, White-Throated Gerygone, Black-Throated Finch And Rufous Whistler
Birdsongs in the Australian Bush
Grey-Crowned Babbler, Pale-Headed Rosella, Noisy And Little Friarbirds, Pied Butcherbird, Pheasant Coucal, Common Koel
Birdsongs in the Australian Bush
Featuring Pheasant Coucal Also Australian Magpie, Pied Butcherbird, Squatter Pigeon, Little Friarbird And Rufous Whistler
Birdsongs in the Australian Bush
Australian Magpie, Pied Butcherbird, Little Friarbird, Common Koel, Rainbow Lorikeet
Birdsongs in the Australian Bush
Featuring Masked Lapwing And Brown Honeyeater
Birdsongs in the Australian Bush
Marine Paradise
Summer Rain
Featuring Weebill, Striated Pardalote, Grey-Crowned Babbler And Blue-Winged Kookaburra
Birdsongs in the Australian Bush
Red-Tailed Black-Cockatoo, Pheasant Coucal And Magpie-Lark
Birdsongs in the Australian Bush
Fairy Gerygone
Bushland Sopranos